Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Winter Is Coming

It's been a while since I've posted on this bird blog but that doesn't mean the birds haven't been doing their birdy thing!
This last week in October, has Luria Park and our own backyard full of migratory birds heading to warmer winter climates and some birds arriving to stay here for the winter. We have several birds in Luria Park and Raymondale that leave their breeding grounds in Canada and seek refuge during the  fall and winter months here. Here are some birds we saw on October 31st.

The White-throated Sparrow is one of the most notable winter residents. The male has a distinctive white throat and bright yellow lores above the beak. You can hear his sweet song in the park, a high pitched song that sounds aptly enough like "Oh, Canada, Canada!"

The Chipping Sparrow, above, may breed in our area but this fellow is seeking a warmer place to spend the winter.

This bright bird, a little smaller than a Robin, is the Yellow-breasted Chat. He was spotted just off the boardwalk skulking through the low underbrush and occasionally flying to a higher perch. An uncommon bird and a loner, this bird will migrate to a more southerly location for the winter.

This tiny bird, the Golden-crowned Kinglet, will spend its winter in our area after spending an active summer breeding in Canada. They are quite tiny and active. With binoculars you can easily spot the bright yellow stripe between dark stripes on top of its head.

At our feeder today we saw a Pine Siskin. These sparrow-like birds with sharp beaks and lots of stripes, may spend their winter here or farther south. You will most commonly see them at your feeders.

So get those sunflower seeds, thistle seeds, and suet out. Who know what you may see this fall and winter?