Thursday, July 10, 2014

Juvenile Red-shouldered Hawk Rescued on Add Drive

Raymondale's newest neighbors, the Wroblewski family of Add Drive, found an injured young Red-shouldered Hawk by the side of their house last week.

The Wroblewski children found the bird and alerted their mom. They could tell this wee raptor was injured but waited about an hour to see if it recovered. When the bird didn't leave its spot by their house, Fairfax County Animal Control was contacted and within 30 minutes an officer arrived. The officer assessed the hawk's condition and then took the injured bird to a nearby raptor rescue center.

Thanks to the Wroblewski family for rescuing this Red-shouldered Hawk. Raptors like these keep down our vermin population. We hope to see this guy soaring above Raymondale soon! And it was a very exciting day for the Wroblewski's second day as Raymondale residents!